Monday, May 31, 2010

Marchena and Osuna, Andalucía

In recent weeks I've visited Marchena and Osuna as part of my survey of municipal archives throughout the province of Sevilla. To give an idea of what some of these towns are like, I have posted a few pictures here.

Marchena reached its splendor under the control of the Ponce de Leon family, better known as the Dukes of Arcos. One of several gates to the old city, this archway dates to the Moorish period but was modified by later Christian occupants.

City halls (ayuntamientos) : old and new
Parrish churches dating to the immediate post-conquest period.
The municipal archive/library


Originally the Roman colony of Urso, Osuna once boasted its own university. As with the case of Marchena, Osuna owes much of its Baroque splendor to an aristocratic household. Patrons of the arts and education, the Dukes of Osuna built much of the city's monumental zone with an impressive private fortune.

Courtyard of the municipal archive/library
The old university
Inside the Colegiata
Residence of the Marquess of Gomera
Ancient graveyard

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